On the critter front... my male Moluccan Cockatoo, Ricky, is giving me fits. He is in raging hormone havoc and has no qualms about making that known. He has been prone to fits of ongoing screaming (and if you have ever heard a screaming cockatoo, you know exactly what I mean!) and he desperately wants to "date" my hand. I love that bird as much as I hate him and my getting frustrated just doesn't help matters (but hey, I'm only human and frustration comes with that). The other birds are basically a joy -
Then there is Falco, a male sun/jenday conure hybrid. Maybe it's a male thing... he wants a lot of my time too, and he gets a good deal. Unfortunately for him I can't keep him out of his cage as much as I would like as I fear my cats might think he would make a fine snack.
Then there is Sassy. She is a female Eclectus. She was rescued by a friend of mine a year or so back. When she got her, the poor bird was as plucked as a grocery store chicken. She has since grown in a downy layer and some feathers are trying to come in. I obtained her a few months ago and she has done a little plucking (no doubt just the stress of being relocated) but not too much. She is still unsure of herself and definitely seems to be wary of hands.
Next comes Petey, a female lovebird. She is such a cutey but she has her issues too. She is quite aggressive and has a nasty bite. Currently she is sitting on eggs (non-fertile, as there is no male) and that is keeping her occupied for now. I really need to pull the eggs as I worry that she is not eating as well as she should, but I worried when she started dropping those eggs (five!) as compulsive egg laying can lead to calcium depletion. And lastly, there are 14 parakeets that I am fostering. They all came from one home, an elderly lady who no longer could keep up with them. They are no problem as they definitely keep one another occupied. So, that's the birds...
There are four dogs - all female - Prissy, a chihuahua; Wrigley, a miniature schnauzer; Bobby, a great pyrenees/german shepherd mix; and Betsy, the old lady of the bunch, a black lab mix. There are also four cats - Annie, a female tabby type kitty (she's got to be about 13?); PomPom, a male grey and white long hair; Cocoa, a female black persian mix and her daughter Mika, who has various shades of browns and is a quite beautiful, if not snobby, long hair.
Now we also have rodents. 2 female rats, Thelma and Louise; a female Brazilian short-tailed opossum named Sweetie; a male Gerbil named Kazi, and a female Siberian dwarf hamster whose name escapes me right now. There are also two guinea pigs - I only just recently thought, hmmm, I really ought to check and see what they are, and have found that one is male and one is female and pregnant!
All of the animals, with the exception of the dogs, are rescues. We have had many different critters over the years and I enjoy them all, but I think I have found my calling with the birds, more specifically, the parrots. They fascinate me to no end. They are such intelligent creatures, curious and entertaining. I have dabbled in clicker training with Ricky, who has learned a few tricks and seems to enjoy his training sessions. Lily is still not sure about the whole thing. Falco is getting the hang of it and I still have to find that one yummy treat that Sassy likes before we can even get started on that. So that's a not so succinct recap of my critters.
The flower garden is in sleep mode (after all, it's November in Indiana) but I do have a few sundry house plants that give me my green fix through the winter months.
Then there are the children. Three of them. My daughter is going to be (GASP!) 30 this coming January. She lives in Chicago and I miss her dearly. My sons are 21 and 18 and still at home, though they don't spend much time here any more.
Well, I think I will stop at this point as the hour grows late (well, not late for me, and I did get my work finished in a timely manner tonite - Woo Hoo) and I really should think about trying to get to bed while I have the chance. There will be more to come. At what interval is a good question. Hit or miss comes to mind.
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